And I Still Belong To Me.

(Content note: Abortion, misogyny.)

Welcome back from Turkey Day! Today I want to talk briefly about something that happened last week over at Ex-Communications and what that situation tells us about where we are as a society.

I Belong To Me is a brilliant post about self-ownership and consent as it relates to Christianity’s culture of toxicity. It’s no surprise that the religion’s more abusive elements have a real problem with consent, and Dani Kelley (whose blog is here) outlines dozens of ways that Christianity struggles to align itself with that new value. Consent is a very important topic to me–I’ve written about it here, here, and here, among numerous other posts. So you can bet I took particular note of what Dani had to say.

I want you to take a look at her post–not just because it’s brilliant but because it also illustrates something I think we need to look at here.

Out of the entire post, which is about 2000 words long, Dani mentions ONE SENTENCE about abortion, which she backs up with a citation regarding the tragic death of Savita in Ireland:

When women are forced to carry pregnancies to term against their will, Christianity has a consent problem.

That’s it. That’s the one mention she made in the entire post. As a percentage of total output, chances are I talk more about abortion in a given week than Dani did in this post. She talked quite a lot about how women are viewed as property and how children are viewed as possessions to be treated worse than animals sometimes, about how toxic Christians want rights over other people’s lives while remaining free of any oversight at all themselves, oh yes, but the one thing that got some of the post’s readers hopping was–you saw this coming, right?–that one line about abortion.


TansyPills (Photo credit: Wikipedia). Sorry, ain’t going back to these days.

There’s an internet law that runs thusly: “The comments on any blog post or news article online about feminism justify the existence of feminism.”

And I think we can add to that law: “The comments on any blog post or news article online about abortion justify the need for safe, legal, on-demand abortion.”

We could extend this saying very easily to something else that happened recently, a sort of anti-Dani event wherein Rafael Cruz openly called for the ushering in of a “theocracy” headed by right-wing conservative Christian fundagelicals, the first of whose plans is to totally criminalize abortion. Their rhetoric is painfully familiar (and even more painfully inaccurate–I’ve never wanted a “citation needed!” tag more than I do now):

Fifty-seven million women are walking around with the emotional scars of abortion, that only Jesus can heal. That’s the real war on women, we need to turn it on them. When they talk to you about the ‘right to choose’ who chooses for that baby? We cannot acquiesce to their rhetoric.

The link very clearly calls out this misogynistic thinking for what it is: the insistence that Christian-right leaders have, this delusion they enjoy so grandly, is the idea that they have some right to ownership over the bodies of American women, some say in what violates us or does not violate us, the right and obligation to strip us of our liberty and rights the second they think someone else needs our bodies, some calling to take away our bodies’ car keys and drive for a little while because we’re just too stupid to be trusted with our own bodies. It should not surprise us to hear that they think that the “person” making the demand upon a woman’s body–be it a man or a fetus–takes precedence over the consent of the actual owner of that body, because they literally do not think that people own their own bodies anyway. And that was the whole point Dani was making in her post.

The second women’s independence and autonomy becomes a hassle for someone else, the second toxic Christians think someone else needs our bodies’ use, then all of our rights can be just whisked away… all for our own good. We’ll thank them in the end. Our consent is absolutely irrelevant in the name of that greater good. The ends justify the means. That they disguise this utter contempt for both decency and American ideals as compassion for anybody just makes such a display of pure, unmitigated evil all the more grotesque and disturbing.

Really, the most obscene thing here is the evidence of the newest tactic forced-birthers are using: manipulating language to try to make Americans think that the real “war on women” is the one abortion-rights advocates are waging to try to make sure that women have access to all the reproductive options they need. The pure cognitive dissonance here is mind-blowing, but that’s where we are now: if they just say something often enough, it will magically become true, and catchphrases like that–uttered by their biggest names, like Sarah Palin (who insists alternately the the real “war on women” is the lamestream media laughing their asses off at her family’s drunken brawl recently and abortion rights, depending on how picked-on Princess Quittypants feels this week)–stick very easily in minds that are gloriously uncluttered by simple things like compassion or facts.

And we saw some of that attitude in evidence in the reaction to Dani’s excellent piece.

There’s a kneejerk reaction among forced-birthers by now about abortion. It’s a bit like how Creationists get riled up about any mention of evolution or the age of the universe–the second they see anything about abortion at all, they’re already queuing up talking points to zing off. But most of us don’t tangle with Creationists all that often; they tend to be fairly insular. Not forced-birthers. They’re everywhere. And worse, they genuinely think–despite all the evidence to the contrary–that the anti-abortion fight is about babies or fetuses or women’s health or whatever their Dear Leaders are saying this week, and those are of course very important and grand causes that require internet warriors to fire salvo after salvo any time those causes are threatened by ignorant baby-killing feminist sex-hungry sluts.

Whenever abortion gets brought up, people claiming to be lawyers and medical types crawl out of the woodwork to offer their opinions about why abortion should be outlawed and why women’s consent is irrelevant. It’s so disheartening and dizzying and discouraging: how can these forced-birthers not understand that what they are basically saying is that they own women’s bodies and are claiming for themselves the right to make women’s personal, intimate decisions for them and force those women to take medical risks against their will? How do they not know that what they are doing is condemning women to a 24/7 imprisonment on behalf of an almighty fetus, generally as punishment for having had unapproved sex? How can they not see that what they’re really doing is penalizing poor women, who face the greatest obstacles in a society that condemns abortion and makes it harder to access, while wealthy women will, as they always have, access the care they need in other ways and escape zealots’ grasp? How can they not see that they are making women’s lives riskier and more dangerous by talking like this, when the evidence has piled up into a tsunami wave that making abortion harder to get kills women?

How can they not see that what they are really saying is that they want sex to be insanely risky so women will quit having it, that what they’re admitting is that they really just want the right to punish women who have consensual (and sometimes even non-consensual) sex? How obvious do they have to make it that they are infuriated that women might move beyond their punitive grasp? In reserving for ourselves the right to abort women have thumbed our noses at these controllers’ attempts to punish us, and nowhere do we see their fury in evidence more than in how they react when a woman–when any woman–dares to assert her freedom from their control.

I’m glad that Dani talked about what she did. I’m glad she included that line about abortion. It is very clear to me that obviously this was something that needed to be said. This is something we should be talking about.

English: How did that get there? Toy trike at ...

English: How did that get there? Toy trike at the end of a tree rope swing over what was the River Dearne bank. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One of Christianity’s most toxic legacies–and one of its most enduring, damn it–is this idea it pushed into our culture that women’s bodies are public property and that women’s most intimate personal decisions are therefore up to adjudication, judgement, and ultimately negation if someone else finds those decisions inconvenient or counter to the narrative that person holds about women. If someone else needs our body, be it a partner wanting to fuck it or a fetus wanting to gestate in it, we are expected to take second place and let the violation occur no matter how we feel about it. Hell, I’ve seen entire articles–which I will not list here because fuck them in the necks about how women should just roll over and fuck their (male, obvs) mates on demand because it makes men feel happy to have sex on tap and OMG WON’T SOMEONE JUST THINK OF ALL THOSE SAD, FORLORN LITTLE BONERS GOING TO WASTE? Curiously absent from these pieces are statements from decent, moral, compassionate men who would rather die than discover that the women they love are unwilling and only fucking them out of a sense of obligation. Toxic Christians live in a world where it is far more preferable to gain forgiveness than permission, and where they would rather wreak their odious wills on an unwilling person than not get their way at all.

Men simply don’t face that same level of oversight–and why should they? They’re men. While they too face a certain amount of ownership/slavery talk, their very bodies and self-ownership rights do not regularly land on the chopping block to be negotiated and adjudicated, their sexual histories pored over, their private decisions negated–unless they too fall outside the narrative by being transgender or gay or acting in perceptibly non-stereotypical ways.

But women are a whole other matter. Women’s physical bodies are possessions; under the Christian narrative we belong to someone at every stage of our lives–to a father, to a husband, to a god–in the person of a male pastor, of course–and ultimately to the state if nothing else. We don’t just get to decide what we will or won’t do with our own bodies. That’s a downright dangerous level of self-ownership and self-determination. It threatens absolutely everything about the hierarchical patriarchy that toxic Christians hold dear, and they know it.

Ultimately, you know why the one line that forced-birther commenters seized on to talk about in Dani’s post was about abortion?

Because self-ownership is the wellspring from which all the other things she discussed leap. If someone doesn’t think that, ultimately, all humans own their own personal bodies, then nothing else there is going to make a lot of sense. If toxic Christians can preserve the notion in our society that someone always owns a woman’s body and can always override her personal decisions, then that clears the way for a lot of other equally-grotesque injustices.

That’s why they sprang upon Dani, and why indeed they spring upon any woman who dares to assert the unthinkable: that she owns herself, and that she refuses to negotiate that ownership, to concede a single iota of ownership to anybody else, or to discuss any carving-away of her ownership to maintain peace with people who will not be satisfied with an assassinated Archduke at Sarajevo and will settle for nothing less than a total steamrolling of Europe. As Rafael Cruz has so foolishly said in his out-loud voice, what his tribe wants is total dominion over the rest of us, and that’s going to be a lot harder to achieve if we all go thinking we own ourselves. They have nothing less in mind than bringing back the 1950s by way of the Victorian Age, where strong-jawed men provided for families containing sweet, submissive, pretty wives and docile, bright-eyed children. They have this idea in their heads of the Happy Christian Nation, and it all hinges on the idea of society working best as a rigid hierarchy where someone’s value is based on skin color, gender, sexuality, and wealth.

That’s why they paint women’s self-ownership in such stark and negative terms.

So… sorry, forced-birthers. It doesn’t matter if the entity wishing to use my body is a boyfriend, a husband, a stranger, a doctor, or a fetus. It doesn’t matter if what is violating my body is a person’s sex organ, a medical instrument, or a fetus. Every single use of my personal and physical body requires my ongoing and enthusiastic consent, which I can withdraw at any point for any reason or even for no reason at all. I’m not even required to tell you why I’m refusing or explain myself to anyone.

I will not negotiate my rights with anybody. I will not concede one single inch. I will not back down. I will not wrangle. I will not argue. I will not make concessions in hopes that maybe one day I’ll get my full and equal rights with men. I saw how well that tactic worked for African-Americans and LGBTQ people and I refuse to make that mistake now.

I own my body. It’s that simple.

And it blows my mind that it’s almost 2015CE and someone still needs to say this shit.

About Captain Cassidy

I blog over at Roll to Disbelieve about religion, culture, cats, and tabletop RPGs.
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22 Responses to And I Still Belong To Me.

  1. SirWill says:

    I just keep remembering. If they had it their way, things would be around the same as oh, 1014 as opposed to 2014. Maybe with a few bells and whistles and toys, of course, but that’s the kind of society they’re aiming for in the end, even if they don’t realize it.

    We have to make sure we won’t be silenced. That’s how the Dark Ages lasted so long. They silenced their critics. Sometimes with hammers. Or with fire. Shame and accusations are the best weapons they have now, and we’re working on breaking those, too.

    Now where’s a good wrecking ball when you need one?


  2. SirWill says:

    *blinks* Well that explains the gouges across the floor, but how the heck did she move that by hand?

    More seriously though, I get how they think to some degree. Well enough to predict the behaviour of forced-birthers fairly reliably as a whole. But it’s so very alien to me. Only reason I can comprehend that to a degree is a combination of being raised Christian (if not very seriously) and because of my experience as a DM, and thus playing as many, many characters.

    A while back, I wrote a story about a homebrewed idea of Hell, imagining the inhabitants surviving on a world that resembles that of Venus today. They were terrible, brutal, horrid, even though they had good traits as well. Compassion, loyalty, love, and so on. The reason their world ended up being a Hell rather than…well, just a crappy place to live, was because the whole society was built to support the power structures of those on top.

    The Lord of Hell and his vassals, in this case, were terrible people, but they weren’t terrible because they were demons. They were terrible because they tended to like having power over others, and spent thousands of years building things in such a way that they could exploit others for the entire span.

    The only difference between the demons of my story and the priestly caste of centuries past, (and of course, the Jesus-loving megapastors of today) was that the demons don’t die of old age. There are those who believe faithfully, those who know it’s a scam but follow along because of the power they get by being a follower, and those who are so crushed by the system they can’t imagine getting along without it.

    Such things don’t last forever though. No matter what the religious imagine about an Eternal Kingdom or what-have-you. You’re not going to get such a thing while having humans in it, anyway.


    • Ya know… that lot fear gaming, but not for the reason they should fear it. What you just described is why they should fear it very much, but they’re all panicking about the most idiotic possible stuff instead. (Brilliant scenario btw.)

      And I don’t know how she moved it! It’s a mystery… we’ll find out after we’re dead ;)


  3. This post reminded me of one of my favorite quotations, from C.S. Lewis (even apologists can get it right sometimes):

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Glandu says:

    You know what I think about abortion…but it does not matter.

    You think it is about oppressing women…but not, it’s even deeper, I think.

    The real way of thinking behind all this crap is to control everyone & everything. Abortion is a cheap shot to try top control women, but don’t think you are targeted because you are a woman. You are targeted because you seem to be controllable through this mean.

    People like Rafael Cruz are control freaks. I tend to think, deep inside them, they are torn by fear. Fear of things not getting like they want. Fear of people doing things they’d have not imagined. The fear overwhelms them, and their defence against this fear is to try to control everything. This begins by controlling everyone. Misogyny(a topic much broader than abortion) is a tool for them controlling 1/2 of mankind, not a goal.


  5. Dani says:

    “Forlorn Little Boners” would be a fantastic band name. :)

    Love this post. Bookmarking for continual reference!


  6. Cole says:

    “How do they not know that what they are doing is condemning women to a 24/7 imprisonment on behalf of an almighty fetus, generally as punishment for having had unapproved sex?”

    I’d like to attempt an answer for you. In case you don’t recall, I’m a former evangelical. I was anti-abortion, and I would never have admitted to believing women’s bodies are communally owned. Here were my misunderstandings:

    1. God owns the bodies of all men and women (though funnily, the constraints do seem weighted toward women, do they not?). We are not our own but have been bought with a price (1 Cor 6:19).

    2. When pro-choice advocates insisted “Women have the right to their own bodies,” I found that laughable. Of course women have the right to their bodies! We’re talking about the body of the *child* residing in them. The child has rights to its body as well, right? I believe the subtle but powerful distinction between how pro-lifers and pro-choicers interpret this tagline is not often made explicit. The “right to my body” talking point is fine, but it requires clarification.

    3. Don’t forget that pregnancy is not a punishment. If God is real (and I KNEW he was – I even figured out which one!), then no one who was not supposed to have a baby would be able to carry one to term.

    This is just one more example of how seemingly harmless religious beliefs turn well-meaning believers into tyrants. Why not let people take comfort in the belief that God overseas everything, allows only that which will ultimately work for our good (Romans 8:28)? Why be so *strident*? This is one reason. You can’t be wrong about something in a vacuum. Irrational beliefs have pernicious and often unforeseeable consequences for all of us.

    Thanks for another provocative post!


    • Thanks! Nothing is scarier than someone doing evil for what he or she thinks is a good cause. The logic you outline was pretty much how I operated as well.

      It blows my mind how forced-birthers can claim that they aren’t trying to punish women for having sex…. yet most of them would allow rape victims off the hook since they’d been forced into the sex that’d gotten them pregnant (why did it matter how the fetus got there?). And their go-to rationalization for restricting abortion access was always without fail “Well, then those women just shouldn’t be having sex” and their best possible tool for lowering abortion rates was, as one famous politician suggested, “one aspirin held between the knees.” Eventually I realized that despite the rhetoric to the contrary, the real goal was stopping women from having sex. If it’d been lowering abortion rates, you’d think they’d be very keen on doing stuff that actually works to accomplish that goal. If only women would only have the type of sex that they want, and no other type of sex ever, then obviously that lowers abortion rates. Somehow. Because married women with strong-jawed provider husbands never, ever get abortions. /s /s /s /s /s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s Wow that is some magical thinking right there. You’re right: beliefs have consequences. When we have one magical belief we tend to buy into a lot of other ones.


      • OneSmallStep says:

        I don’t think the goal is just to stop women from having sex. I think the goal — or a better word would be anger — is over women who don’t want to be pregnant at that time, or ever. The anti-choice movement is drifting more towards a slogan that to be pro-choice is to be anti-woman. Why? Because abortion hurts women because it makes them go against their nature, or something like that. But that argument only works if someone is forcing a woman to have an abortion OR if pregnancy/childbirth is intrinsic to what a woman is. Aka, biology is destiny.

        But a patriarchal society is incredibly threatened over the idea that woman might not want to be pregnant, or have children, or have every pregnancy end up as childbirth. It’s like it shakes patriarchy’s sense of what a woman is.


        • I think so too. When someone refuses to play along with the script, that threatens to tear the whole cohesion of the production apart. It only works if everybody plays along. Funny how “biology is destiny” works so much in fundies’ favor to control women’s sex lives, though. They apply the same logic to why women should be “pure” for men and why men must always be very masculine and stereotypical in behavior and thought. But if their answer to “I don’t want to be pregnant” is always “then don’t have sex,” and if all of their tactics are geared around making sex just horrifically terrifying for women especially, it’s hard for me to escape the idea that what they really want is for all women to only have the kind of sex that they think women should be having.


  7. Dave says:

    How do Christians reconcile their vehement opposition to abortion with their belief that God is in control? Many more spontaneous, ”natural” abortions occur than elective abortions. If God is in control then he is the most prolific abortionist of all time.


    • True that. And considering the whole curse upon Eve, he’s murdered billions of women and fetuses and babies alike too. I just don’t get it.


    • OneSmallStep says:

      I asked an Evangelical friend that very question. I pointed out that if she were against abortion because it takes a life, then what about miscarriages, as that was God’s Will? Her answer was that since God made everything/was in charge, miscarriages weren’t in the same category. God gives life, he gets to whisk it away.

      I then told her if that was the case, her disagreement over abortion wasn’t due to the taking of a life, it was due to humanity usurping God’s role in the whole pregnancy process. She didn’t have an answer for that.

      Liked by 1 person

      • *G* I bet not. “It’s okay to murder fetuses if your god is doing it, but don’t you dare handle that yourself” is a tough one to answer considering how often humans override biology in ways that all but the most ferocious of fundagelicals would consider perfectly acceptable.


  8. Barry H says:

    Seems odd to me that these that so many so called Christians are soooooooo against abortion, yet they find nothing wrong worshiping a god that (according to their “good book”…) MURDERED MILLIONS…. women, children and innocent babies included.

    Oh, I almost forgot: that was in the Old Testament so that doesn’t count.


  9. Pingback: The Handbook: Building a Worldview Around Consent. | Roll to Disbelieve

  10. Pingback: Biblical Sexism | Amusing Nonsense

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