Radio Interview Link and Patheos News!

As promised, here’s the link to the radio interview I did with the Minnesota Atheists: linkie! Enjoy it! It was a hell of a lot of fun and definitely an experience I will treasure for years.

And I can finally share this: Ex-Communications, a blog just launched on Patheos by the Recovering From Religion folks, is now open for business. I’m one of their official bloggers! I’ve got a number of entries there already and will be adding to that list as the days progress. Hope you like it! I’ll link y’all when I put a new entry up there.

I’ll still be blogging here–the Ex-Communications blog is more about, well, recovering from religion. It’s a tight focus, and that’s the real strength of it. I really think that this is the perfect time to talk about this topic and the perfect way to do it, so I was incredibly excited to be asked to join their team. Specifically I’ll be holding forth on issues specific to deconversion and recognizing the harm that religion does. As you know, I talk about a lot of other topics, and that’s what we’ll continue to discuss here at Roll to Disbelieve.

<3 you all. Seriously, y’all are the best. I never even imagined a year ago that I’d be contributing to Patheos, and it’s happening so fast because of your friendliness and kind words. I’m just stunned and humbled by it all. Thank you for your support and warm welcome to the blogging world.

Sleep well, world. Tomorrow’s going to be one hell of a day.

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About Captain Cassidy

I blog over at Roll to Disbelieve about religion, culture, cats, and tabletop RPGs.
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7 Responses to Radio Interview Link and Patheos News!

  1. carmen says:

    Cas!! Let me be the first to congratulate you! That is awesome news! I’ll be following. .. xx

    Also plan to listen to the podcast later today – right now it’s coffee time. . .


  2. Psycho Gecko says:

    I’ll have to give it a listen since I missed the event itself.

    Also, in very unrelated news, I figured I’d let y’all in on a deal I spotted today. I believe you once said you enjoyed the Dungeon Keeper games, Cap’n? Well, has a deal on them right now. It’s part of the Bullfrog bundle where you can get a bunch of games including Dungeon Keeper Gold and Dungeon Keeper 2 for $5.95. Or, if you buy them separately, they’re only 60% off each.

    And if I’m wrong on this, Cap, feel free to no approve this one. Just figured I’d pass on a deal if anyone here was so inclined.


  3. Allison says:

    Yay, excited for you! You are one of my favorite bloggers of all time!


  4. Had to come back and find this post to say congratulations on the patheos gig! I always wondered how long it would take before you got recruited over there! :D


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